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Jeonju National Museum (Director Yoo Byung-ha) holds the Special Jeonbuk History and Culture Exhibition 12 - Iksan to feature Iksan's history and culture. The exhibition is jointly hosted by Iksan City, Jeonbuk Newspaper, KBS Jeonju Branch, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, and Wonkwang University's Mahan and Baekje Culture Research Center.
The exhibition consists of four parts -- Part 1. Center of Mahan; Part 2. Ancient City of Baekje; Part 3. Foundation of Revival, and; Part 4. First Village of Jeolla-do -- featuring the history and culture of Iksan from the Paleolithic Age to modern times
Part 1. Center of Mahan offers a view of bronze and ironware that can identify if Namcheonji, ruled by King Junwang of Gojoseon, was Geuma, e.g., Iksan.
Part 2. Ancient City of Baekje presents Iksan as it was being developed into a new capital from a local hub of Baekje during the Three Kingdoms’ period. Notably, Iksan can be regarded as a planned city and another capital of Baekje through the Wangung-ri archeological site of the palace created by King Muwang of Baekje, the royal temple Jeseoksa, and the Mireuksa Temple erected with the new faith and ruling philosophy as well as artifacts from the presumed tomb of King Muwang.
Part 3. Foundation of Revival offers a view of Goguryeo’s displaced people who found Bodeokguk in Iksan, dreaming of a revival; it presents artifacts related to Gyeonwon (867~936) who vowed to inherit Baekje and to embody the ardent wish of King Uijawang of Baekje; thus establishing Baekje in Gemasan (Iksan).
Part 4. The First Village of Jeolla-do features the culture of Iksan from the Goryeo period to the modern times, offering a view of the Buddhist culture, Iksan's famous figures, and present-day Iksan's downsides and upsides through various artifacts.


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