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Exhibition space The permanent exhibition room consists of total 5 pavilions and displays over 1,500 artifacts. The ancient culture room, fine art room, history room, scholar (“Seonbi”) culture room in the main building, and the Seokjeon Memorial Room in the Children's Museum building introduce various material cultures and donated relics in Jeollabuk-do, surrounding Jeonju. Anyone can visit the permanent exhibition room for free.


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Seonbi Culture Gallery The scholars of the Joseon Dynasty constantly pondered, explored, and practiced what is the right path that humans should follow. The scholar (The scholar at the time of Joseon Dynasty was called “Seonbi”) culture room is an exhibition space where you can feel the growth, role, and power of the Seonbi who was the practicing leader of Joseon Dynasty. more
Ancient Culture Room This is an exhibition space where you can experience various aspects of prehistoric and ancient cultures of the Jeonbuk region following the passage of time, focusing on carefully selected archaeological relics ranging from prehistoric times to the ruins of Mahan, Baekje, Gaya, and Hubaekje (Post-Baekje) more
Fine Arts Room This is an exhibition space where you can feel the heart and beauty of Jeollabuk-do people who used soil, metal, wood, and paper by exhibiting Buddhist sculptures, ceramics, wooden lacquerware, and Korean paper crafts, surrounding Buddhas excavated in Jeollabuk-do. more
Historical Archive This exhibition space is designed to help you understand the history and culture of Jeonju, the hometown of the Joseon Dynasty, and the center of Jeolla-do. Besides, you can meet the science and art of pioneering intellectuals who have led Jeollabuk-do, which is a famous art town. more


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Seokjeon Memorial Room This is a meaningful space where you can see the handwritten calligraphy works of Seokjeon, Hwang-Wook, a famous calligrapher, and old books and letters collected during his lifetime. go
Children's Museum It is a special exhibition space for children. go

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