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[Special] Seonbi, Leading Jeonbuk Literati Art

[Special] Seonbi, Leading Jeonbuk Literati Art

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Seonbi, Leading Jeonbuk Literati Art

Seokjeong石亭  Lee Jungjik李定稷(1841~1910)


Jeonju National Museum

We are visiting the life of Seokjeong Lee Jeongjik, a Jeonbuk literati who went through a period of turbulence, from mid-19th to early 20th century. In his age of 4, when he started to learn Thousand Characters, he mastered scores of Chinese Characters in one day. He was also a talented painter. When he was 5 years old, he copied a coin on paper, it is said that his description was exactly identical to the original coin.  

In addition to his academic and artistic talent, he also had a fame as a mand of good character. When there was any quarrel in the town, Lee could make peace between two parties with gentle words; when there was any person in need, he was sure to go to take care of him. It is said that a number of scholars flocked to Lee’s house to be a disciple of him.

Through this exhibition, we hope to communicate with a fused human resource, and authentic literati, Lee Jeong Jik. His art activities will reveal us what Lee struggled with when he succeeded the tradition, and what he had lived for.



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